21st DGPs Early Career Workshop AOW in Hohenheim, Stuttgart 2024

The University of Hohenheim is hosting the 21st DGPs Early Career Workshop of Work- and Organizational Psychology from June 20-22, 2024. The workshop is meant for PhD students working on topics related to work, organizational, and business psychology. It will be organized by the Chair of Business and Organizational Psychology, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fasbender, and her team. The workshop aims to help PhD students develop their research skills and offer career development guidance. Participants will have the opportunity to present their dissertation projects in small groups and receive feedback from experienced mentors and peers. They will also have the chance to discuss various topics such as career planning, publishing, and open science practices. The workshop will provide an opportunity to network with other PhD students and experienced researchers in the German-speaking AOW community.

PhD students interested in participating should register by Friday, February 23, 2024, by completing the participation survey available at https://forms.gle/rJ2z3mHUtojd1nRd7. If there are more interested participants than available spots, we will select participants on a first-come, first-served basis, with preference given to those who did not receive a spot at the last workshop and first-time participants. After the registration deadline, we will provide feedback within approximately 1 month to let you know if you can participate or if you are on the waiting list.

During the registration process, participants are required to submit a detailed abstract of maximum 500 words. More information will follow with the confirmation of participation. If you need information about the participation fee, please contact Robin Umbra at robin.umbra@uni-hohenheim.de. Participants should budget for approximately 200€ (twin room) or 300€ (single room), which will cover accommodation, breakfast, and other meals. A discount for AOW-Fachgruppenmitglieder applies.

Please forward this information to interested PhD students in the field of work, organizational, and business psychology.

Click here for the workshop program.