Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Fabiola H. Gerpott (WHU Düsseldorf)  [03.04.24]

Am 13.05.2024 hält Prof. Dr. Fabiola H. Gerpott einen Gastvortrag zum Thema "It’s Significant! …Or Not? Registered Reports: A New Route to Publishing Rigorous Research in Management & OB". Der Vortrag findet von 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr im Grünen Saal im Schloss statt. Eine Anmeldung ist nicht notwendig.

Abstract - It's Significant! ...Or Not?

Many academic journals are interested in significant results. The resulting "publish or perish" culture has contributed to replicability issues and publication bias, as significant results are published, and non-significant results are filed away. Indeed, the issue of irreproducibility impacts all fields of research. Most scholars have heard rumors about others using HARKing (Hypothesizing After Results are Known), selective reporting, optimal/selective choice of control variables, playing around with outliers, changing the inclusion or exclusion criteria for participants or cases, and using different analytical methods until one approach "works". What if we could imagine a world in which all this would not be necessary because research gets published irrespective of the significance level of the findings? In this talk, I will introduce Registered Reports (RRs) as a publication format that could make this dream come true. On the one hand, I will present findings from our meta-science research in which we identified 50 RRs in the areas of management and OB and surveyed authors with and without experience in publishing RRs as well as reviewers/editors who have handled RRs. Based on our analysis, I will scrutinize prevalent beliefs surrounding the RR format and outline hands-on best practices. On the other hand, I will enrich these data with insights from having gone through three Registered Report publication processes myself. These personal highs and lows may also help to relate to the topic on a more personal level.

Bio - Prof. Dr. Fabiola H. Gerpott

Dr. Fabiola H. Gerpott holds the Chair of Leadership at the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, a leading German business school ranked number 1 in the national Financial Times Ranking for its Master in Finance and Executive MBA programs. She is also an adjunct fellow at Trinity College Dublin and won several teaching awards for delivering her Strategic HRM course in the Master's program. Fabiola graduated from a Double PhD program in 2017 with a PhD in Organizational Psychology (VU Amsterdam) and a PhD in Business Administration (Jacobs University Bremen). After working as an assistant professor in Amsterdam and Berlin, she became a tenured full professor in 2019. Fabiola is interested in studying contemporary challenges of leadership (e.g., diversity management, collaboration with AI, emergent leadership), interaction dynamics inorganizations, and meta-science research. Her work has been published in leading academic outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, and the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. She currently serves as an Associate Editor for The Leadership Quarterly and is also highly passionate about making her research accessible to practice. As such, she is a regular guest in podcasts, writes for practitioner-oriented journals, and has been recognized as a Top 40 HR Professional by a well-established German HR magazine.

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