
Klausureinsicht "5605270 Organisationspsychologie", WS 2023/2024, 1. PZR [26.02.2024]

Die Klausureinsicht findet am Dienstag, 05.03.2024 um 09:00 Uhr statt.more

Klausureinsicht "5600010 Organisation und Führung in Change-Prozessen", WS 2023/2024, 1. PZR [26.02.2024]

Die Klausureinsicht findet am Dienstag, 05.03.2024 um 12:00 Uhr stattmore

21st DGPs Early Career Workshop AOW in Hohenheim, Stuttgart 2024 [20.12.2023]

The University of Hohenheim is hosting the 21st DGPs Early Career Workshop of Work- and Organizational Psychology from June 20-22, 2024. The workshop is meant for PhD students working on topics related to work, organizational, and business psychology. It will be organized by the Chair of Business and Organizational Psychology, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fasbender, and her team. more

New research project: „Overcoming Societal Tensions in Europe: Can Age-Diverse Friendships be the Solution?“ [21.12.2023]

The research project is funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. Project partners: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fasbender (University of Hohenheim), Dr. Lisbeth Drury (Birkbeck, University of London, GB), Dr. Anita Keller (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, NL), Dr. Bernadeta Gostautaite (ISM University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, LT) and Dr. Michela Vignoli (Università degli Studi di...more

Postdoc or PhD Position in Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany [19.12.2023]

At the Professorship for Business and Organizational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fasbender), a Postdoc Position (amounting to 50% of a TV-L 13, full-time employment) is to be filled by April 1, 2024.more

Postdoc Position in Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany [19.12.2023]

At the Professorship for Business and Organizational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Ulrike Fasbender), a Postdoc Position (amounting to 100% of a TV-L 13, full-time employment) is to be filled by April 1, 2024.more

Talente-Artikel: "Unterschätzte Ressource: Warum Firmen ihre Sicht auf ältere Beschäftigte überdenken sollten" [19.12.2023]

Entgegen herrschender Vorurteile belegen zahlreiche Studien: Ältere Beschäftigte sind nicht weniger leistungsfähig, weniger motiviert oder weniger veränderungsbereit als ihre jüngeren Kolleg*innen. Für Firmen lohnt es sich deshalb, Altersstereotype zu hinterfragen und Fachkräfte über 50 gezielt in den Blick zu nehmen.more

Displaying results 8 to 14 out of 44